About Mirahcle

My name is Arcelia Amirah founder and CEO of Mirahcle. I’ve worked in the healthcare industry for over 10 years. Helping people has always been my passion. I’m a firm believer that giving back is essential to our community. While working in healthcare I’ve always seen people with extensive pain and it has always affected me. I was always sympathetic to them because I myself have experienced excruciating pain with scoliosis for many years of my life. As I grew up I struggled to find any relief. I’ve had massages, heating pads, and countless trips to the doctor but nothing has helped. That’s what inspired me to come up with Mirahcle.

I’ve had many variations of this butter, but the formula I’ve come up with now is a Mirahcle worker! Many of my friends and family have tried it and loved it. I’m a true testament to the advantages of this, and a little bit goes a long way!

Here at Mirahcle we are dedicated to giving you the best quality products. Glow is the first of many products that we will be offering. I hope that you enjoy our products as much as we do! Welcome to the Mirahcle family!